Thursday 18 April 2024

Pixelated Freedom


“Pixelated Freedom”

In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer, once employed, Her creativity pixel-perfect, skills well deployed.


But alas! The corporate winds shifted their tone, Her inbox echoed silence, her desk stood alone. The dreaded pink slip arrived, oh so sly, “Dear designer,” it read, “your pixels must fly.”


She packed her Adobe suite, her Wacom pen, Bid farewell to CMYK, embraced RGB again. No more client briefs, no more endless revisions, Just her faithful dog, pixels, and newfound visions.


In the boardroom, they whispered, "Budget cuts, you see, Your gradients are costly, your drop shadows too free." She smiled, handed her key, and walked out the door, Her vector heart lighter, her spirit ready to soar.


 Cola, her sidekick, a four-legged muse, With floppy ears and eyes that could defuse. They strolled through forest, where Cola met leaves, And Photoshop filters danced on autumn eves.


Pixelated freedom, sans serif delight, She laughed at Comic Sans, under moon’s soft light. No more print meetings, no more corporate strife, Just her dog’s wagging tail and a pixel-perfect life.


She painted sunsets with gradients of bliss, Photoshopped rainbows, each hue a sweet kiss. Her dog posed for portraits, tongue out, carefree, As layers of laughter merged seamlessly.


On the back deck by the pool, she sipped her ice coffee, Photoshopped her dreams, and 

erased the gray. Cola nudged her elbow, eyes full of glee, As if saying, “Mom, this is our masterpiece, you see.”

Pixelated freedom, sans serif delight, She laughed at Comic Sans, under moon’s soft light. No more no more useless print meetings, no more corporate strife, Just her dog’s wagging tail and a pixel-perfect life.


Remember, sometimes losing a job opens doors to unexpected adventures—like designing life’s canvas with a furry friend!

And so, dear reader, let this tale unfold, Of a laid-off designer, her story bold. She found beauty in pixels, joy in each node, Her dog by her side, their creative abode.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024



Solar Eclipse over Hanwell NB.

The solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, was a total solar eclipse visible within a band covering parts of North America, from Mexico to Canada and crossing the contiguous United States.

We couldn't have asked for a nicer day, to watch this once in a life time event.  Sunny with temps of 16 not a cloud in the sky except for the one at total coverage.  Just our luck!!  However even that one cloud added flare to the pictures.  

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Pinder Dam Falls

The Pinder dam falls are located on the East Branch Nackawick Stream in the parish of Pinder N.B.  The waterfall can be seen from the road. The falls can also be access from the Old train tracks running behind the falls.

In Nackawick NB head down the river along Route105. Once you get to the sign for Temperance Valle Caverhill take Route 605 and drive approximately 5 km.  The waterfall is on the right.  There is a small parking spot just passed the.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Hartland Covered Bridge

Located in Hartland New Brunswick being 1282 feet long the Hartland Covered Bridge is the longest covered bridge in the world, before the completion of the bridge on May 14,1901 the only way to cross the Saint John River was by ferry or ice bridges.  It is estimated that the construction cost of the Bridge was around $33,000 (close to a million now)

Longest wooden covered bridge in the world. Heartland NB (

The bridge was not originally build covered this happen on a later date in 1922.  A lot of the town people were against covering of the bridge, however even with all the oppositions and concerns of the town folks it was still covered.  For many years after the bridge was covered, snow had to be hauled into the bridge and  placed on the bridge floor to allow horses and sleighs to travel across it.

The pedestrian side walk was added in 1945 allowing for pedestrians to cross safely also making this a great tourist destination as the sides are open for looking out over the Saint John River.

Few facts:

In 1987 the Olympic Torch for the 1988 Winter Olympics made its way across this bridge.

In 1995 a Canadian postage stamp was issued honoring the bridge.

Declared a National Historic Site in 1980, and a Provincial Historic Site in 1999

In 1907 a fire burnt some of the structure and nearly destroyed the toll house      


Dr. Estey was the first person to cross the bridge before its scheduled opening; he had to respond to

an emergency call on the other side.  Bridge workers laid down planks for him to cross safely.

The bridge was inaugurated by Justice McKeowan on July 4, 1901  in front of a large crowd 2000 plus people attended.

Monday 14 March 2016

Carleton Martello Tower

The Carleton Martello Tower in Saint John, New Brunswick is one of only nine remaining Martello Towers in Canada.   The tower is the oldest build in the city and dates back to the War of 1812 and played a large role in the war.  The Saint John Tower has gone many restorations such as the powder magazine, restored barracks room it features exhibits in the tower and in the visitor center.  The Martello roof top offers an amazing view of the harbor and the city.  The tower has been part of the National Historic Site of Canada since 1930 and has been open to the public since 1963.

Pixelated Freedom

  “Pixelated Freedom” In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer...