Saturday 14 November 2015

Tower Lake

Tower Lake is located on the Hanwell Road just at the end of Timothy Rd.  Great place for bird watching canoeing and just minutes from the city. The lake is located on a great hiking trail easy access sure to make for an easy Sunday afternoon hike.  I just would like to share a little story about the lake. I was told, while doing an on location photo shoot that the lake is haunted,  in the early 1800th on an cold and stormy night a farmer and his horse and wagon trying to cross the lake crashed through the ice.  The body of the farmer and his horse were never recovered from the lake to this day.  My client told me that when she and her husband were skating on the ice  last year,  for no reason did the lake all of a sudden made a sound of somebody or something big crashing through the middle of the lake, however when they turned around there was nobody or anything just a big hole in the ice from where the sound came from.

45.913851, -66.722266

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Pixelated Freedom

  “Pixelated Freedom” In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer...