Tuesday 24 June 2014

Woodstock NB

While visiting Woodstock NB we stop at the pretty little place.  I used to visit this spot frequency when I live in this small. town.   While we were there a local farmer came and filled up his water truck from the river.  Annbelle my youngest daughter was amazed at how the farmer did this, living in the city she would never have seen this.  

New growth on this branch looks so bright!

Saturday 14 June 2014

Mosquito Island

Nice little spot of the Hanwell to fish, hunt or do a little of roading however bring lots and lots of fly spray.  This place would also be a great hiking spot however I am sure the Mosquitoes would carry a person off.

Thursday 12 June 2014

On Bishop Drive, Fredericton NB

We seen this big Moose on the way to work this morning.  He/She was in the UNB Woodlot of Bishop Drive.  Go figure in the middle of the city.  This moose was right at the entrance of the walking trail and didn't seem shy at all.  I have notice him/her there before so pretty sure this is were its home is.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Circus Came To Fredericton

We truly enjoyed the show in our way into the grounds there were protesters against animal cruelty.   I have to say the animals in the circus looked well looked after no whips etc were used it was an over all nice family event.

Pixelated Freedom

  “Pixelated Freedom” In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer...