Sunday 20 April 2014

Red Bridge

Red Bridge NB is located 15 minutes outside of Woodstock NB.  Many people come to Red Bridge every year for fishing, swimming canoeing or just hanging out with friends.  Red Bridge offers 2 bridges for enjoyment one with a nice sandy beach and the other with rapid waters and a very rocky beach.

This location at Red Bridge is were people come to hang out in the summer time to have camp fires to go swimming and maybe dive of the bridge or the rope it offers a nice sandy beach, however be caution the currents can be very strong a little further out.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Irving Nature Park

Irving Nature Park is located in Saint John, New Brunswick.  There are over 20 kilometers of nature trails and in total over 600 acres.  The Park is free to the public and is well maintained by JD Irving.  The Staff at the park offer free tours.

The trails are very clearly marked for ease of access for hiking, bird watching, skiing, snowshoeing.  A boardwalk that extends into the salt marsh perfect for bird watching over 250 species of birds have been recorded in this park.

 At the park’s highest point is the a Lookout Tower, there is a mounted binoculars perfect for seal, and bird watching.  Across from the Lookout Tower there is a picnic area, with propane barbecues, for you to enjoy.


Seal sticking his head out of the water to say hi!

You can drive around this place in your car and stop at so many nice spots.  The road is closed for vehicles for the mornings, but the park is still open for pedestrians.

Saturday 12 April 2014

April 12, 2014 Nashwaak Ice Jam and Mactaquac

Ice Jams are building up.


Ice Jams Forming at the Naswaak River in New Brunswick.  The picture on the right was taking off the bridge.
We saw this little deer on the side of the road heading for Mactaquac NB just after crossing the dam.

Eagles feasting on some left over deer or perhaps moose on the ice on the river.  The dead body on the ice is evidence of hard times for animals this winter gone by.   As we were heading home we seen numerous deer along the side and even in the middle of the road trying to find something to eat.

You can clearly see the size difference between the ravens and the eagles.  The ravens were bold, but gave the eagles first dibs.

Gibson Falls NB

Gibson falls are located in Northampton NB.  Leaving Woodstock NB crossing the Grafton Bridge take a right at the end of the bridge and head south on route 105. Turn of onto Kilmarnock Road and keep driving until you come to a bridge crossing over the Gibson Creek.  There is a small trail leading into the falls immediately after the small bridge on the right hand side.

The Falls are named after John Gibson who settled here in this beautiful area in around 1843. John Gibson came from Kilmarnock Scotland. 

 The falls are very popular in the summer time for fishing and swimming.  This is an all around nice spot to hang out on a hot summer day.
The falls are tiered and approximately 20 meters high.  The rocks on top offer a great place to sit and relax to enjoy the view of the falls.


Friday 11 April 2014

Yoho Lake

Yoho Lake is out the Hanwell Road on the left heading
 towards Harvey.

The sunsets here can be spectacular.

Most of these pictures are taken at the boy scout's lodge just after theYoho Lake road.  Most of the rest of the lake is surrounded by camps and year round homes.

This is a great to visit and the warm water is awesome for swimming. 

               There is a lot of wildlife to be seen here and sitting beside the lake is tranquil.

       The road heading into the Scout camp is sometimes blocked by a chain, but the walk in is not to long.

  The property is around 360 acres in size and was donated by Ashley-Colter Ltd.  Some parts of it used to be fields and if you look hard enough you can find traces of old rock walls.

Pixelated Freedom

  “Pixelated Freedom” In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer...