Saturday 12 April 2014

Gibson Falls NB

Gibson falls are located in Northampton NB.  Leaving Woodstock NB crossing the Grafton Bridge take a right at the end of the bridge and head south on route 105. Turn of onto Kilmarnock Road and keep driving until you come to a bridge crossing over the Gibson Creek.  There is a small trail leading into the falls immediately after the small bridge on the right hand side.

The Falls are named after John Gibson who settled here in this beautiful area in around 1843. John Gibson came from Kilmarnock Scotland. 

 The falls are very popular in the summer time for fishing and swimming.  This is an all around nice spot to hang out on a hot summer day.
The falls are tiered and approximately 20 meters high.  The rocks on top offer a great place to sit and relax to enjoy the view of the falls.



  1. Must visit this area this summer!

  2. Found a pair of ladies prescription eye glass at the bottom of Gibson on Monday August 10 anyone know who they belong to email me


Pixelated Freedom

  “Pixelated Freedom” In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer...