Thursday 29 January 2015

Afternoon Visitor the Blue Jay

I been trying to get some bird pictures at my new bird feeder, finally today I was happen to look out the window and there he was way up high over the feeder...I take it!..!lol its a start.  

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Joggins fossil cliffs

As I was going threw my pictures this morning I came across s folder of great interest to me and thought I should share it.  The Joggins Fossil Center is located on the Old #7 Coal Mine, overlooking the Joggins Fossil Cliffs. I have to honestly say the Center is an exceptional learning experience for the young and old at heart. It has a large fossil collections great exhibits  and offers tours on the beach for more fossil viewing. Peter and I however decided to venture on our own and saw many great fossils.  I also posted some pictures of the surrounding areas that visited.

The campground for the likes of me I can not remember but will certainly update this page with the name was amazing it was family owned Husband by night/day was a fisher men and Wife is running the campground with a very nice restaurant on site.  Bathrooms were very clean and I have to say the service was great!

Monday 19 January 2015

Garden Creek Falls

What a beautiful January thaw day! After a long day of work/house work we decided to take a drive out the falls.  The falls were 85% frozen however still very beautiful and the walk into them was pretty easy going today.  I have to be honest thou and say I am very much out of My daughter sure had a fun time as well building sponge bob figures out of

Sunday 4 January 2015

Minto Internment Camp

We visited this spot during the spring on one of our drive around days!  I would recommend if going there during the spring/fall season to prepare well for mosquitoes.

The Internment Camp is located just outside the small village of Minto, which is located on the north Shore of Grand Lake approximately 50 kilometres from Fredericton NB.  The trail to the Internment Camp starts at the remnants of the old water tower, not far behind the tower is a sign saying “To the Mess Hall”.  The trail is well marked and is easy hiking/walking!

The Village of Minto is home to the Internment Camp Museum that offers a lot of information and artefacts’ on display, the museum is in the basement of the Municipal Building across from Tim Hortons.  The Minto area sure is a pretty location just to take a nice Sunday country drive.

Kings Landing

Just taking a look at my pictures and discovered that somehow I forgot to post pictures from our trip to Kings Landing last fall.  Shame on me!, as this  Historical Settlement is surely blogging worthy!  If anybody hasn't been to Kings Landing or heard of it, Kings Landing is a representation of a rural village in New Brunswick during the 19th and early 20th century.  A museum come to life. However it is actually not a replica of an village, however a collection of recreated buildings from around the Mactaquac  headpond and other locations around New Brunswick.  The employees at the village are dressed in costumes appropriated to the time period and go about daily chores associated with the daily lives of in the 19th and early 20th century such as cooking period meals making crafts and farming. 

I have some pictures from Kings Landing I took over 30 years ago while there on a school trip I will do my hardest to remember to scan and post them ASAP onto this post!

Many animals are kept on site such as chickens work horses and oxen pigs and cows. 

Everyday surely will be a new experience! Children and adult can dress up in the pioneer clothes and join in some fun, my daughter just loved it!

Kings Landing is surely a great way to spend the day with the family!

Pixelated Freedom

  “Pixelated Freedom” In the land of Helvetica and Pantone hues, Where kerning mattered more than morning news, Lived a graphic designer...