Sunday 4 January 2015

Kings Landing

Just taking a look at my pictures and discovered that somehow I forgot to post pictures from our trip to Kings Landing last fall.  Shame on me!, as this  Historical Settlement is surely blogging worthy!  If anybody hasn't been to Kings Landing or heard of it, Kings Landing is a representation of a rural village in New Brunswick during the 19th and early 20th century.  A museum come to life. However it is actually not a replica of an village, however a collection of recreated buildings from around the Mactaquac  headpond and other locations around New Brunswick.  The employees at the village are dressed in costumes appropriated to the time period and go about daily chores associated with the daily lives of in the 19th and early 20th century such as cooking period meals making crafts and farming. 

I have some pictures from Kings Landing I took over 30 years ago while there on a school trip I will do my hardest to remember to scan and post them ASAP onto this post!

Many animals are kept on site such as chickens work horses and oxen pigs and cows. 

Everyday surely will be a new experience! Children and adult can dress up in the pioneer clothes and join in some fun, my daughter just loved it!

Kings Landing is surely a great way to spend the day with the family!

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